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Karina Muñoz

Karina Muñoz is an Engineer in Risk Prevention, Quality and Environment and Master in Industrial Engineering. She is a Project Engineer at M-Risk and has more than eight years of experience in Risk Prevention and more than three years of experience in the implementation of digital platforms for risk management and environmental and social compliance.

Work team managing its stakeholders digitally

Effective Stakeholder Management Strategies: Driving Corporate Sustainability with ESG Management Software

Today, it is unquestionable that "companies seeking sustainability in their activities must know their stakeholders, enhance dialogue, meet demands and expectations, and be transparent in the accountability of their actions." In today's environment, "being connected" with stakeholders is an essential requirement for maintaining a competitive advantage. In fact, the proper management of a company's stakeholders is an essential pillar to ensure its long-term sustainability.  

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What is ESG? A comprehensive guide to key corporate sustainability criteria

In the business world, the integration of ESG criteria is no longer a mere trend but an imperative necessity. Concerns related to the environment, social issues, and corporate governance practices are gaining unprecedented relevance in decision-making for both investors and consumers. In this era marked by a growing awareness of the human impact on the planet and society, companies must adopt a more sustainable and responsible approach. 

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